Saturday, April 16, 2011

5,000+ words

I often see the quirkiest things when no one is around to laugh with me. Cue cell phone camera (and every once in a while, some unsafe driving techniques).

This little gem comes from Stetson University while on a campus tour with my sister. Just seems a little counterintuitive to me.

 Jay Smith provided me with this hilarious caption: "Now serving poorage, beef welfarington, and humble pie."

Friday, April 15, 2011

Lucky Number Sestina

I have a new writer friend. Writer friends are always interesting because once I read their stuff (stalk their blog) it forces me to take a harder look at my own style.  Writer Friend writes like I do in that our content and thought processes are vaguely similar, but our execution is vastly different. Interesting how you can get the same answer with two different equations as it were, but I digress.

We recently talked about what we write when we aren't writing writing. Yes, we writers still have to write even if it's not for a specific purpose. Crazy, I know.  Most of us can just jot down ideas and scribbled musings in a quiet corner at home.  Others have to don their most indie hipster cardigans and horn-rimmed non-prescription glasses to type on their Mac at Starbucks or Panera, all the while sipping some soy milk fair trade bullshit and nibbling on a strawberry scone like a complete fucking tool.  I am not of the latter group, but again, I digress.