Saturday, April 16, 2011

5,000+ words

I often see the quirkiest things when no one is around to laugh with me. Cue cell phone camera (and every once in a while, some unsafe driving techniques).

This little gem comes from Stetson University while on a campus tour with my sister. Just seems a little counterintuitive to me.

 Jay Smith provided me with this hilarious caption: "Now serving poorage, beef welfarington, and humble pie."

This irritated me to such an extent that I had to take a picture while driving down Kennedy during rush hour.

Voting is dead? Really? I'd rather see a sign that says "You're not allowed to bitch on facebook or join stupid groups against a candidate/policy/proposition unless you actually vote, asshole."

If you're wondering what's so funny, look above the doors and below the top set of lights.  Few things please me more than a company with a damn good sense of humor.

Found at Westshore Mall.

I like how it specifies that it's an international currency exchange, differentiating it of course from the other currency exchange that only converts Florida dollars to Tennessee dollars.

Dear Panera Bread. I get where you're going with the pseudo-fancy vibe, but it just comes off as pretentious. This is entirely too much for a bathroom door.

The stick figure with the triangle dress will suffice. Thanks.

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